
Avoiding Malpractice Tips

Below are the most recent (past 12 months) of our Avoiding Malpractice Tips. To find an older article, use our search bar to find the one you seek. Or scroll to the bottom and load older articles.
Treading Through Teletherapy Treatment Topics

Treading Through Teletherapy Treatment Topics

At NASW Chapter events and webinars, questions often arise from practitioners regarding teletherapy. This topic is becoming increasingly popular and frequently discussed. Patients like the flexibility and the opportunity to dialogue in therapy from the comfort of their own home, or other location, and the convenience, perhaps even while traveling.

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Unsocial Consequences of Social Media on Social Workers

Unsocial Consequences of Social Media on Social Workers

There are two interwoven emerging risks that impact professional liability and exposure to claims and lawsuits. They are Information Technology (IT), and Social Media Internet Usage. Many articles over the past several years have discussed particular HIPAA laws and client records breaches. Here is a brief overview of the topic with some fresh practice pointers.

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Pitfalls? Does Your Employer Cover YOU?

Pitfalls? Does Your Employer Cover YOU?

Your employer’s professional liability insurance policy may not cover you because it was purchased by the employer to protect the employer, and not you. Your employer is liable for your actions, but only within the scope of your employment with that employer, and most probably, only to a limited extent.

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