
Avoiding Malpractice Tips

Below are the most recent (past 12 months) of our Avoiding Malpractice Tips. To find an older article, use our search bar to find the one you seek. Or scroll to the bottom and load older articles.
Social Worker Liability

Social Worker Liability

Complexities have raised liabilities for Social Workers. Likewise, liability based lawsuits have become exponentially more frequent in our litigious society with more professions and specific occupations being exposed to tort liability. For example, in 1970, there were almost no lawsuits against Social Workers.

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Core Functions and Shifting the Risk

Core Functions and Shifting the Risk

Social Work is a profession and academic discipline that improves the quality of life and well-being of individuals, groups, and communities by direct practice, policy development, organizing communities and outreach, and crisis intervention. Social workers undergo demanding educational requirements.

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Cyber Crime. Today’s Reality.

Cyber Crime

Following HIPAA High Tech legislation and recognizing the seriousness of cyber liability and cyber crime, states are now starting to require some healthcare providers to purchase cyber liability insurance.

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Core Functions and Shifting the Risk

Social Worker Core Functions

Social Work is a profession and academic discipline that improves the quality of life and well-being of individuals, groups, and communities by direct practice, policy development, organizing communities and outreach, and crisis intervention.

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Importance of Cyber Liability

Importance of Cyber Liability

Social Workers now, more than ever, need insurance coverage for third-party data breach. Federal and State governments demand higher expectations from Social Workers, and with the advent of the HIPAA HIGH TECH Law passed in March 2013 and enforced beginning in September 2013, Social Workers are now held liable and even more accountable than ever before.

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Cyber Crime. Today’s Reality.

What is Cyber Liability?

A data beach is the release of secure information into an unsecured environment. This happens intentionally or unintentionally. A data breach or security incident occurs when confidential data such as patient records, or personal financial data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen, or used by an individual unauthorized to handle such information.

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