In 2024, be prepared for premium rate hikes and watered-down liability policies, but not from Preferra Insurance Company Risk Retention Group.
Avoiding Malpractice Tips
It’s Insurance Assessment Time For Your Peace of Mind
Life insurance is the critical focus of this TIP article because Life insurance can be considered a social value, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Flintstones to Smartphones
Insurance, in some form or fashion, has been with civilization for thousands of years and shall continue with us as long as risks need to shift from one party to another.
It’s No Fluke That Verdicts Have “Nukes”
When you buy or renew your professional and general liability insurance policies, buying at least a $2 million per occurrence limit makes sense.
Don’t Let Your Dog Take A Bite Out of Your Wallet!
Most dogs will fight an armed robber, but they often fear the vacuum cleaner. Dogs are helpful creatures in therapy, but when startled, anything can happen.
Hospital Robes and Insurance Policies
The world of selling insurance is a truly fascinating one. Unfortunately for most people, while listening to an insurance seminar or sales pitch, their eyes start to glaze over with sleepiness within a minute. Today we’ll discuss buying insurance coverage and provide two “Pro-Tips.”
Why Is A Claims-Made Policy Like A Ruler?
Think of a Claims-Made Professional Liability policy as a “Ruler”. A ruler has a beginning point and an endpoint. The Claims-Made policy starts at a point and terminates at a point beyond.
Are You Aware of the New Risks of Cyber Liability and Breach of Patient Data Privacy?
A data beach is the release of secure information into an unsecure environment. This happens intentionally or unintentionally. A data breach or security incident occurs when confidential data such as patient records, or personal financial data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen, or used by an individual unauthorized to handle such information.
Professional Will – Update
Recently, there have been frequent questions from policyholders on the Preferra Insurance Company Help Line regarding the Professional Will subject.
The Three–Ring Special … Insurance Interrelationships
The Venn diagram illustrates the relationships in a finite collection of information sets. The same approach is applied to insurance risk when calculating the statistical probability of incidents.
Employee Wellness…What Is It and How Can My Practice Get Involved?
An October 2022 study published by the U.S. Surgeon General found that an increasing number of workers have growing and chronic stress struggling with balancing work with personal life.
What’s New With Your Annual Insurance Review?
This article focuses on the actual insurance coverage you have and not on the number of insurance policies or incident frequencies covered. We will focus on your professional risks.