Risk Management Helpline Experiences
We share some experiential feedback from the Preferra Insurance Company RRG, (“RRG”), Helpline. As a free service for RRG policyholders, the RRG Helpline is available for questions regarding a variety of practice interactions, risk mitigation, and general guidance.

Your Duty to Bear Witness
If you are aware of illegal activity in your practice, or by your employer/supervisor, you should report it immediately, including the State Licensing Board. A practitioner, including doctors and allied health professionals, have an implicit duty to disclose.

Avoiding Insurance Coverage Gaps
Check your insurance policies to make sure that you have coverage. It all starts with the basics. First, do not assume that your employer will cover you, even if you are a student working for an agency.

Pitfalls and Perils of a Professional Liability Insurance Policy
Are you absolutely sure that your PLI insurance policy protects you? You had better read your PLI insurance policy contract to verify that.

Pitfalls and Perils of a Policy
Are you absolutely sure that your insurance policy protects you? You had better read your insurance policy contract to verify that.

Simple and Quick Reaction Steps If You Are Named in a Lawsuit
A malpractice judgment arising from a lawsuit against you can hurt you personally and professionally. You may be named as a defendant in a lawsuit by a far-reaching plaintiff’s lawyer casting a broad net when you were not even directly involved in the case.

Documentation Pointers to Avoid Liability and Malpractice
“Medical Records Requests” and “Breach of Confidentiality” are the leading claims issues for social workers. These claims trigger lawsuits, licensing board inquiries, and HIPAA information breach liability, particularly regarding HIPAA HITECH 45 CFR Part 160, that holds social workers liable for third-party (employee or a vendor of the social worker), and first-party breach (social worker) client information breach.

Negligence is Spelled More than Simply Malpractice
You are an expert in your profession. As such, you are held to that specific standard of care for which you are licensed. This is the practitioner’s therapy side of the delivery service model. As a provider of services, you are also held accountable for a series of non-therapeutic responsibilities associated with your practice.

The 5 “C’s” in the Big “D” – Deposition
You are an expert in your profession. As such, you will probably be required at some time during your career to testify pursuant to a deposition request. You are an expert professional, you must testify like an expert, and therefore, you must prepare like an expert.

Live with Purpose, But Live with Protection
Living with purpose certainly characterizes what is at the heart of the profession of social work. Equally as important is to live with protection. Social workers need to make sure that they are protected from the vast array of risks and threats that often occur in the profession.

Live with Purpose, But Live with Protection
Living with purpose certainly characterizes what is at the heart of the profession of social work. Equally as important is to live with protection. Social workers need to make sure that they are protected from the vast array of risks and threats that often occur in the profession.

Live with Purpose, But Live with Protection
Living with purpose certainly characterizes what is at the heart of the profession of social work. Equally as important is to live with protection. Social workers need to make sure that they are protected from the vast array of risks and threats that often occur in the profession.